Collect Passports and other IDs using NFC


Some forms of ID—notably, passports—have a special technology called near-field communication (NFC). With Persona, you can collect passports and other IDs using NFC. Because NFC scan is done only via mobile devices, this flow is only available to users accessing Persona through the mobile SDKs (no web)

NFC lets you collect information with higher accuracy, and lets your end users upload information more easily. Given that the NFC chip is difficult to fabricate, this also adds another safeguard against fraud.

What can be verified with NFC Verification?

  • All passports that have the NFC chip that follow the ICAO standard
  • Some national IDs, passport cards, and/or residence permits in Europe

Get started

To start collecting passports and other IDs using NFC, contact your Customer Success Manager or email contact our support team.

More about NFC