Birthday Match Requirements for Reports


Depending on your organization’s use case or needs, you may require either very strict or very liberal matching parameters. Using date of birth, along with different name match requirements, can help you filter matches so that your organization is only looking at matches relevant to your needs.

Reports Template Editor

As outlined in our help center article, Reports Template Editor Overview, match requirements are now configurable through the Persona dashboard, provided you have the right permissions to do so.

Under the birthdate matching section in the Reports Template Editor on a per Report basis, you will now be able to see the existing match requirement settings. Please see terminology listed below to understand exactly how you may want to configure your settings.


Exact date and year: matches on the exact date and year that is input into the report.

  • For example, if your organization inputs 12-25-2000, only 12-25-2000 will match (the exact input that your organization sends).

Within the same year: matches on the year that is put into the report.

  • For example, if your organization inputs 12-25-2000, then 01-01-2000 and 12-30-2000 would both match, along with any other date within the year 2000.

Within +/- 1 year from birth year (default setting): matches on the year +/- 1 year to allow for additional catches.

  • For example, if your organization inputs 12-25-2000, then 01-01-1999 and 12-30-2001 will both match, along with any other date in 1999, 2000, or 2001.

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