Email Risk Report


The Email Risk Report assesses the fraud risk of an email address and confirms its authenticity, and identifies fake and suspicious users. It leverages multiple first-party and third-party data sources to predict the risk of an email address. We often recommend coupling the Email Risk Report with other report types, like Phone Risk Report to help show a fuller picture of the individual.

Reports Features


Search Inputs

  • Email address (required)

Report Outputs


The email is from an temporary/disposable service


Email that is spam or is a spam trap.


Whether or not the email address is valid. Checks in real-time if the email address is valid. For example, is not a deliverable email address.


Whether or not the email server has a valid MX record. MX records tell the internet where your mail servers exist to receive mail and also serve as an indicator of where you're sending mail from.


Days since the domain was created


If valid domain exists


The domain name of the email


Credentials were leaked at some point in time (e.g. a data breach, pastebin, dark web, etc.)


The estimated age of the email in days according to the first time it’s been seen within the network


Whether the email is suspicious or risky


The best way to be notified immediately of a match on the Email Risk Report is to set up a webhook listening for the event type: report/email-address.ready.

Configuration Options

There is no configuration option available for this report type.

Plans Explained

Startup Program Essential Plan Growth and Enterprise Plans
Email Risk Report Not Available Available Available

Learn more about pricing and plans


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