Non-Authoritative Profile Report


The Non-Authoritative Profile Report surfaces general information and social media profiles associated with an individual, and is mainly used for KYC purposes. Please note that our Non-Authoritative Profile Report cannot be used to make hiring or employment decisions, as it isn't FCRA compliant.

Report Features

Search Inputs

To run the Non-Authoritative Profile Report, there are 3 pieces of information you can input. Passing in more information increases the likelihood to have a match.

  1. Email Address
  2. Phone Number
  3. Full Name AND Location (locality and subdivision)

Report Outputs

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Location
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Github
  • Work Experience
  • Education History

If you are interested in identifying other profiles associated with an individual, please contact the Persona support team.


The best way to be notified immediately of a match on the Non-Authoritative Profile Report is to set up a webhook listening for the event type: report/profile-non-authoritative.ready.

Configuration Options

There is no configuration option available for this report type.

Plans Explained

Startup Program Essential Plan Growth and Enterprise Plans
Non-Authoritative Profile Report Not Available Available Available

Learn more about pricing and plans


Persona is not a consumer reporting agency and the services (and the data provided as part of its services) do not constitute a ‘consumer report’ for the purposes of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The data and reports we provide to you may not be used, in whole or in part, to: make any consumer debt collection decision, establish a consumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing, or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. If you use any of any of our services, you agree not to use them, or the data, for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.