Tag Inquiries that fail a specific Verification check, using Workflows


This tutorial shows you how to build a Workflow that applies a Tag to any Inquiry that fails a specific Verification check.

This tutorial demonstrates concepts that you can use to create new Workflows.

Generalize this tutorial to your use case

You can generalize the following aspects of this tutorial:

  • Action on Inquiry: This tutorial uses the "tag" action, but you can take another type of action on an Inquiry. For example, you can change the status of the Inquiry.
  • Verification check: In your Workflows, you can set up logic based on the result of any Verification checks that were run on your Inquiries. View all available checks in the Verification checks reference.


There are a few main steps to build this Workflow:

  1. First, we'll create a Workflow.
  2. Second, we'll add the logic that selects Inquiries that fail a certain Verification check. We'll do this by adding what's called a Conditional step to the Workflow.
  3. Third, we'll apply the Tag to the selected Inquiries. We'll do this by adding what's called an Action step to the Workflow. We'll use a specific Action step called Tag Object.
  4. Finally, we'll save our work.

Step 1: Create a new Workflow

  1. In the Persona Dashboard, select Workflows in the navigation bar.
  2. Click + Create workflow in the upper corner.
  3. In the New Workflow form:
    1. Fill in a name and description.
    2. Select the following options:
      • Trigger type: Event
      • Trigger event: inquiry.completed
  4. Click Continue.

Step 2: Add a Conditional step

A Conditional step lets you express if/else logic in a Workflow.

  1. In the Workflows canvas, click "+" below the "On Inquiry completed" step.
  2. Under Step Types, select Conditional.
  3. In the Workflows canvas, click Route 1.
  4. In the Edit Route 1 form:
    1. Fill in a descriptive Label.
    2. Select the following options:
      • Where: trigger.failed_checks
      • Operator: includes any of
      • Values: < select one or more Verification checks  >
        • example: id_age_comparison

Step 3: Add a Tag Object step

Tag Object is a type of Action step. Action steps let you take actions in a Workflow.

  1. In the Workflows canvas, click the empty box under Route 1. 
  2. Under Step Types, select Action.
  3. Under Action, select Tag Object.
  4. In the Action Configuration, set the following:
    • Object: Trigger (Inquiry)
    • Tag: < select or create a Tag >

Step 4: Save and publish

Save your changes. When you are ready to deploy your changes, publish your Workflow.

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