Address Lookup Report

📍 This feature only works on US addresses.

The address lookup returns detailed metadata for a given address and includes two map views. For example, if you are using Persona for KYC and need to verify an individual's address to ensure that it's not a post office or elementary school, the address lookup report would help provide the information you're seeking within the Persona Dashboard so that you don't have to Google the address to verify it's a legitimate business or residence.

Interpreting the report

There are multiple returned fields for the address lookup report. Below, we've listed all of the fields and the definitions behind the fields so that you can better understand how to use and interpret the information surfaced to you.

Resolved/corrected address

The fully-formatted and corrected version of the address passed in.

Record type

Represents the type of record this address matched against. Only given if a DPV match is made.

Zip type

Indicates the type of the ZIP code for the address that was matched. Only given if a 5-digit match is made. There are four zip code types:

  • Unique: The ZIP code consists of a single delivery point, pertaining to a US Postal Service customer (like a large business or government agency) that routes all of its own mail internally.
  • Military: The ZIP code pertains to military units and diplomatic organizations, often in foreign locations.
  • PO Box: The ZIP code is a PO Box ZIP code and is assigned to a collection of post office boxes.
  • Standard: The ZIP code does not pertain to any of the above categories.

County FIPS

The 5-digit county FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code. It is a combination of a 2-digit state FIPS code and a 3-digit county code assigned by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

County name

The name of the county in which the address is located.

Carrier route

The postal carrier route for the address. Consists of a one-letter prefix followed by a three-digit route designator. (e.g., C007, R123). ** Routes C770 through C779 pertain to PO Box Street Addresses.*

There are five carrier route prefixes:

  • C: Carrier route (commonly termed "city route")
  • R: Rural route
  • H: Highway contract route
  • B: Post office box section
  • G: General delivery unit

Congressional district

The congressional district to which the address belongs. Output will be two digits from 01 - 53 or "AL." "AL" means that the entire state (or territory) is covered by a single congressional district. These include Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, Washington DC, Virgin Islands, and other territories.

Building default indicator

Indicates whether the address is the "default" address for a building; for example, the main lobby.

Residential default indicator

Residential delivery indicator (residential or commercial). Note: For some reason, known only to the US Postal Service, PO Boxes are always marked as "residential."

There are three indicator types that could be returned:

  • Residential: The address is a residential address.
  • Commercial: The address is a commercial address.
  • [blank]: This happens when the address is invalid or we don't have enough information to ascertain RDI status. The bulk address validation tool translates a [blank] RDI value to "unknown."


The exact latitude of this address.


The exact longitude of this address.


Indicates the precision of the latitude and longitude values. There are six values that could be returned for precision:

  • Zip9: Accurate to a 9-digit ZIP code level (most accurate)
  • Zip8: Accurate to an 8-digit ZIP code level
  • Zip7: Accurate to an 7-digit ZIP code level
  • Zip6: Accurate to an 6-digit ZIP code level
  • Zip5: Accurate to an 5-digit ZIP code level
  • Unknown: Coordinates not known. Reasons could include: address is invalid, military address (APO or FPO), lat/lon coordinates not available.

Time zone

Indicates the common name of the time zone associated with the address. Valid time zones include: Alaska, Atlantic, Central, Eastern, Hawaii, Mountain, None, Pacific, Samoa, UTC+9, UTC+10, UTC+11, UTC+12.

UTC offset

Indicates the number of hours the time zone is offset from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), the international time standard, also known as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT).

Observes daylight savings time

Indicates if the time zone "obeys," or, in other words, adjusts their clocks forward and back with the seasons. This information is particularly useful to determine time in other time zones with areas that may or may not use daylight saving time - for example, Arizona, Hawaii, and Indiana

DPV match code

Status of the Delivery Point Validation (DPV). This lets you know if the USPS delivers mail to the address. There are two possible returned results for match code:

  • Confirmed
  • Not confirmed

DPV footnotes

Information related to the delivery point validation of this address.


Indicates whether the address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), also known as a private mailbox (PMB) operator. A CMRA is a business through which USPS mail may be sent or received, for example, the UPS Store and Mailboxes Etc.

DPV vacant

Indicates that a delivery point was active in the past but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and is not receiving deliveries. This status is often obtained when mail receptacles aren't being emptied and are filling up, so mail is held at the post office for a certain number of days before the delivery point is marked vacant.


Indicates whether the address is active or not, based on USPS data. Note that the USPS is often months behind in updating this data point, so use with caution. Some users may prefer not to base any decisions on the active status of an address.


Indicates which changes were made to the input address.

Indicates whether there is an address match in the LACSLink database.

Indicates a match (or not) to the USPS SuiteLink data. SuiteLink attempts to provide secondary information such as "suite" or "apartment" whenever there is a match based on address and company name.


Associated workflow criteria

Today, we do not have any Workflow criteria paired with the address look up report — which means we cannot mark for review or auto-decline against a given field. We can easily add criteria based on the needs of your organization — so please contact the Persona support team if you have a Workflow criteria request.


Persona is not a consumer reporting agency and the services (and the data provided as part of its services) do not constitute a ‘consumer report’ for the purposes of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The data and reports we provide to you may not be used, in whole or in part, to: make any consumer debt collection decision, establish a consumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing, or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. If you use any of any of our services, you agree not to use them, or the data, for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.