Lists overview

Lists allow you to easily flag Inquiries that match against the information found on the List.


  • You can create a List called "Blocked IP Addresses" and add any IP addresses associated with fraudulent activity to that list
  • You can create a List called "Faces associated with Fraud" and add Selfies that are associated with fraudulent activity to that list
  • You can create a List called "Good Emails" and add any emails from known good actors to that list

The Lists feature will then show you when an Inquiry has an IP address, Face or Email that matches against an item in one or more of the above Lists, and allow you to filter for all Inquiries that match with an item on the List. For example, instead of manually tracking instances of suspicious or fraudulent IP addresses, you can easily see when a new inquiry matches one on the Blocked IP Addresses List and quickly decline that same bad actor from verifying again.

How do I create a List?

To learn more about creating Lists, navigate here.

What List Types does Persona support?

Various List types exist to allow you to filter on different Inquiry fields and identify matching Inquiries. Learn more about the different List types here.

If an Inquiry matches against an item on the list, how to I automatically decline it or mark it for review?

In order to set automatic approve or decline logic, or manually review any Inquiries with a matched List item, you should integrate Lists within Workflows. Learn more about how Lists and Workflows are configured here.