Database Verification

About Database Verification

Validate self-reported personal information

A Database Verification checks that information an end user provides about themselves—such as name, date of birth, address, social security number or other national ID—matches a record in a known database. Their information must match a record in order to pass the verification.

Query a range of databases

Persona can query a variety of authoritative databases; in the United States, Canada, and internationally. See our coverage map for details.

Use alongside other Verification types

Database Verification is one of the many Verification types that Persona offers. You can use a Database Verification in conjunction with other Verification types within a single Inquiry. Doing this lets you combine the benefits of each type.

Get started

See an example

See this tutorial to walk through an example of Database Verification results.

Review Database Verification settings

See Database Verification settings to learn about your options.

Set up a Database Verification

Database Verifications are available to customers on paid plans.

To set up a Database Verification, reach out to your customer success manager or contact the Persona support team.

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