Set accepted fallback ID types for Government ID Verification


For a Government ID Verification, you can set the allowed ID types. For each allowed ID type, you can set one or more accepted fallback ID types.

Setting fallback ID types can be useful if you notice your end users are confusing one ID type for another. The fallback ID types will be accepted in the event that the end user submits a different ID type than what they selected.


To set accepted fallback ID types:

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Inquiries > Templates.
  2. Select the Inquiry template you want to edit. This template should include a Government ID Verification.
  3. In the upper corner of the Flow Editor, select Configure.
  4. In the sidebar, select Verifications > Government ID.
  5. Scroll to Enabled countries and ID types.
  6. Locate the country for which you would like to set accepted fallback ID types. Expand the row.
  7. Toggle on Set accepted fallbacks. accepted-fallback-id.png
  8. Locate the ID type you would like to add a fallback to.
  9. In the Accepted fallbacks field for the ID type, add the ID type(s).
    • Note: You will see the main ID type listed as an option in Accepted fallbacks. Do not remove it. If you remove it, the Allowed ID type check will fail if the end user submits the correct ID type.
  10. In the upper corner, click Save.

As usual, you will need to publish your changes for them to go live.