
Learn how to implement Persona

Learn how to verify individuals and businesses in the Persona dashboard, then build workflows and automations to make Persona work for you.

Course Certifications
Coming soon

Persona will release course certifications to individuals who demonstrate a strong understanding of an individual course.

Obtain a course certification

  1. Enroll in and complete a course in the Persona Academy.
  2. Once you have studied each lesson, click the “Get certified” button to receive an email link to an assessment.
  3. Complete the assessment.
  4. If you pass the assessment, we will email you a course certification for use on LinkedIn, on resumes, and in other professional contexts.
  5. If you don’t pass the assessment, we will notify you via email. (You can retake the assessment as many times as you would like.)

Persona Experts Program (Technical Partnership)

To provide partners for our customers, we curate a directory of consultants, agencies, and developers who want to demonstrate their expertise with Persona.

To be considered an expert, you must have formal experience in one of the following:

  • Compliance (including AML, KYC or KYB programs),
  • Digital/Product (conversion rate optimization, UX), or
  • Development (software engineering, Persona platform implementation)

Become a Persona Expert

  1. Ensure that you meet the requirements as an expert with formal experience in one of the following:
    • Compliance (including AML, KYC programs),
    • Digital/Product (conversion rate optimization, UX), or
    • Development (software engineering, Persona platform implementation)
  2. Write us a message that shares your qualifications and experience with the Persona platform. If we think you’re a good fit, we’ll schedule an interview with you.