Where do I find a coverage map or coverage details for the Government ID Verification type?

⚠️ This question came from a member of the Persona Community - a product manager working on onboarding users from multiple countries. It is useful for those looking to understand the coverage of the Government ID Verification service offered through Persona.


How do I find out which countries and ID card types the Government ID supports? I’d like to ensure we cover a specific ID type that our business might need for a certain country.


Hi there! Great to hear from you again, and it’s wonderful to know that Persona can help you grow your business internationally.

To find the Coverage Map and other coverage details for the Government ID product

  1. Go to your Persona Dashboard > Documentation > Coverage Map

Support for other countries or ID types

Persona is constantly evolving our products and features. If there are countries or ID types that you believe should be supported, our Verifications product team would love to hear from you and see if we can be helpful. Given that the world of government-issued identification cards is fast-evolving, vast, and complex, you can let us know about other coverage needs by sending a message at Contacting Us > Something else

📌 This answer was last updated on July 24, 2024, by Justin Sayarath, a product manager at Persona. FAQs, unlike other articles, are written to provide Persona Community members with specific answers to common questions. While we periodically review responses and answers, please note when this FAQ was last updated as information may have changed since then.

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