Create, edit, or deactivate a role


A role encapsulates a set of permissions. You can assign one or more users to a role, and each user can be assigned one or more roles.


You must be assigned the permission to edit roles.

Create a role

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Team > Roles.
  2. On the Roles page, click + Create role in the upper corner.
  3. Select the permissions you want this role to have 
    • See this article for more information on available permissions.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a role

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Team > Roles.
  2. On the Roles page, select the role.
  3. Select the permissions you want this role to have. 
    • See this article for more information on available permissions.
  4. Click Save.

Deactivate a role

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Team > Roles.
  2. On the Roles page, select the role.
  3. In the upper corner, click Deactivate.