Create an Inquiry link for an end user


If you choose to integrate Persona via the Hosted flow (verify by link) integration method, you can share the Hosted flow link directly with your end users, and allow them to generate a new Inquiry link for themselves by clicking the Hosted flow link.

However, there are downsides to this approach. Notably, users might accidentally create and try to complete many Inquiries.

You can avoid these problems by creating an Inquiry link on behalf of each end user. You might hear this referred to creating an Inquiry link "in advance". You send a unique, pre-created Inquiry link to each user, instead of the Hosted flow link.

If you have a high volume of Inquiries to create, we recommend you create Inquiry links via API.

However, if you have a low volume of inquiries to create, your team can create them directly in the Dashboard via the Create Inquiry button.

Create from an existing Account

If you are using our Accounts feature, follow these steps:

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Accounts > All Accounts.
  2. Search for the Account of the user for which you'd like to create an Inquiry (e.g. by reference ID, Name, or Account ID).
  3. In the search results, select the user's Account.
    • If you do not find an associated Account, use the instructions below to "Create without an Account."
  4. On the Account page, click + Create Inquiry.
  5. Select the Inquiry Template you want to create the Inquiry from.
  6. Click Create Inquiry.

You can now copy/paste the newly-created Inquiry link and send it to your end user. This Inquiry will be associated with the Account that you selected.

Create without an Account

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Inquiries > All Inquiries.
  2. In the upper corner, click + Create Inquiry.
  3. Select the Inquiry Template you want to create the Inquiry from.
  4. (Optional, recommended) Provide a reference ID that uniquely identifies this user in your system.
    • Learn about Accounts and reference IDs here.
  5. Click Create Inquiry.

You can now copy/paste the newly-created Inquiry link and send it to your end user. This Inquiry will be associated with an Account that has the reference ID you specified.

You can find an Inquiry link again after you've created it, and before the user has finished it. 

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to Inquiries > All Inquiries.
  2. Search for the Inquiry.
  3. Select the Inquiry. 
  4. In the upper corner, click Share > Copy link.


See: When does a link to an Inquiry expire?

See: Resume an expired Inquiry