Require Case comments

The ability to customize Case comments is available on a Cases Enhanced plan. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact the Persona support team if you’d like to get started.


When using Cases for manual review, reviewers and other team members can help explain why a decision was made by leaving comments. Comments may be key for audit purposes. You may want to require that reviewers leave a comment on each Case at key moments, such as when they approve or decline a Case.

You can edit a Case Template to require comments on any Case that uses that Template. Specifically, you can require a Comment during a transition to a specific Case status—such as Approved or Declined.


To require a comment during a transition to a specific Case status:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Cases > Templates. Select the Case Template you want to edit.
  2. Click Settings in the upper corner.
  3. Select the Advanced tab.
  4. In the Statuses section, find the status for which you want to require a comment when transitioning to it. Select “…” > Edit.
  5. In the edit modal, check the Require comment checkbox. Click Save.
  6. In the upper corner of the Case editor, click Save.