Reports Actions

Reports Actions Overview

There are several actions for Reports that can be taken via Dashboard or API: Re-run Report, View Report History, Dismiss matches, Export to PDF, Flag issue, and Pause/Resume continuous monitoring. These features give you more control over how and when your Reports are run on businesses or users on your platform.

For example, if your organization leverages recurring reports, and you want to deactivate a given user from your platform, you can pause the monitoring of the Report run on that individual so that you are not continuously monitoring an individual who is no longer on your platform. Should you want to reactivate that user, you can resume the continuous monitoring of that individual.

Access to Reports Actions

Reports actions can be accessed from the Inquiries, the Accounts, the Cases, or via the Reports page directly. This article will cover taking action on a Report outside the reports page itself.

To take any action on a Report, select the relevant user’s account. Next, click on the Reports tab, and select the Report you want to take action on. Please see below for the possible actions you can take, as the actions can change depending on whether they’re applicable to the Report type you selected or not.

Re-Run Report from Dashboard

If you’d like to re-run a Report manually, you can do so in the following way:

  1. Click into the Report in question 
  2. Select the ellipsis icon [three little dots] to see the drop-down menu of possible actions run_report_in_red.png
  3. Select Re-run report
  4. Refresh your dashboard

If you’ve chosen to re-run the Report manually, you can check that the report successfully re-ran by either looking at last updated at timestamp on the Report view or by clicking into Report History, and you’ll see a new manual run.

Pause/Resume Report from Dashboard

In order to pause or resume continuous monitoring on a Report, the Report has to be scheduled to recur with an upcoming run.

  1. The Report has to be a recurring Report type
  2. The Report has to be scheduled to recur with an upcoming run

If you’d like to pause or resume a recurring Report, you can do so in the following way:

  1. Click into the Report in question from the Account level
  2. Select the ellipsis icon [three little dots] to see the drop-down menu of possible actions pause_in_red.png
  3. Select Pause/Resume continuous monitoring - please note that this option will only show up if your Report type is set to run continuously.

You’ll notice that the status “Continuous Monitoring” will update to paused or continuous monitoring based on whether you paused or resumed the Report. Once “pause report” is selected on the report, you’ll notice the continuous monitoring status move from continuous to paused.


If you select “resume report,” the status will switch back to continuous monitoringagain.


Export PDF

If you’d like to export a PDF of the Report and all information associated with the Report, you can do so via Reports actions.

  1. Click into the Report in question from the Account level
  2. Select the ellipsis icon [three little dots] to see the drop-down menu of possible actions
  3. Select Export PDF

Report History

You can now view the full history of Report runs or actions taken (any actions of the above) for any given Report. This will be helpful for audit purposes and tracking down timelines of how Reports are processed against any individual or entity on your platform.

To view the History of a given Report:

  1. Click into the Report in question from the Account level
  2. Select the ellipsis icon [three little dots] to see the drop-down menu of possible actions
  3. Select Report History

You will see a full history for the selected Report of any actions taken or Reports run.


Dismiss Report

To learn more about dismissing a Report, please see this help center article.

Flag Issue

If you’d like to flag an issue with the Report, you can do so via Reports actions.

  1. Click into the Report in question from the Account level
  2. Select the ellipsis icon [three little dots] to see the drop-down menu of possible actions
  3. Select FlagIssue 

Flagging an issue via the Reports module will automatically create a ticket sent to Persona’s support team. They will review the ticket to understand the issue and reach out with any questions.

Common examples of issues that would be relevant to flag here would be issues with matches or a Report not running when it should.