Report an issue with an Inquiry


To report extraction errors, suspected fraud, or any other issues related to an Inquiry to Persona, use the "Report issue" button within any Inquiry in a Production environment.

You cannot report errors in a Sandbox environment using this process. To do so, please contact support.

In general, please include any relevant details, and note if the issue affects several Inquiries.

In this article, you'll find detailed instructions for how to report:

  • Incorrect text extraction
  • Suspected fraud
  • Other issues

Find the "Report issue" button

⚠ You can find the Report button in your Production environment, accessible to Starter Plans and above. See how to switch environments from [Sandbox to Production].
  1. First, select the Inquiry you want to report from the All Inquiries page in the Persona Dashboard.
  2. In the upper corner, select Report issue.
  1. You will now see a modal that lets you select the type of issue you want to report and provide details.

Report incorrect text extraction

  1. To report incorrect text extraction within the Inquiry, select "Text Extraction Issue".

  2. Select the Verification attempt that has the problematic extraction, and the attribute field that was extracted incorrectly. Input the expected extracted value in the "Correct value" field.

  3. Select the ticket priority. Options are: "Urgent: Please respond as soon as possible", "Please respond within a week", and "No response needed". Screen_Shot_2022-03-23_at_4.54.19_PM.png

Report suspected fraud

  1. To report suspected fraud within the Inquiry, select "Suspected Fraud".
  2. Describe the details of the activity you suspect to be fraudulent. If you wish, grant permission to Persona to add this reported fraudulent ID to a registry used across organizations to deter fraud.
  3. Select the ticket priority. Options are: "Urgent: Please respond as soon as possible", "Please respond within a week", and "No response needed".Screen_Shot_2022-03-23_at_3.14.20_PM.png

Report other issues

  1. To report any issues besides text extraction or fraud, select "Other".
  2. Describe the issue in detail. For example, please include the following if relevant:
    • Any reproduction steps
    • Additional Inquiry IDs or Inquiry Template IDs, if the issue affects several Inquiries
    • Links to screenshots or recordings
    • API or SDK version
  3. Select the ticket priority. Options are: "Urgent: Please respond as soon as possible", "Please respond within a week", and "No response needed".