SLAs for deadline tracking in Cases

About Cases deadline tracking

You can assign custom deadlines to Cases and use them to enforce SLAs.

Enforce Service Level Agreements

Use Cases deadline tracking to help you meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs)—whether they're self-imposed or required for compliance.

For example, you can set a deadline to investigate Accounts flagged for review within 30 days.

Assign custom deadlines with Workflows

Assign deadlines automatically for your Cases using a Workflow. Set the deadline to any number of minutes, hours, or days.

Sort and prioritize Cases by deadline

You and your team can see upcoming deadlines for all your Cases in the Persona Dashboard. You can sort them by deadline to help you prioritize Cases that are due first and avoid missing deadlines. If the deadline for a Case you’re assigned to is breached, you receive a notification in the Dashboard.

Get started

Learn about Cases Enhanced

Cases deadline tracking is available with a Cases Enhanced plan. To learn more, reach out to your customer success manager or contact us here.

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