Reference: Permissions in the Dashboard


This reference lists the definition of each permission you can configure in the Persona Dashboard. Permissions are categorized by product.

You can create roles for users in the Dashboard, and set granular permissions for each role. To learn more about roles and permissions, see our documentation here.

Note: You may see permissions for features you don't yet have access to. Reach out to your customer success manager or contact the Persona support team with any questions.


This section contains administrative permissions. By default, these permissions are enabled for Admins only.

Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Users - View, Edit Allows this role to manage users, assign user roles, and edit other settings for users
Roles - View, Edit Allows this role to view and edit all user roles and permissions
Teams View, Edit Allows this role to view and update team members
Organization - - -
- Information View, Edit Allows this role to view and update details about the organization
- Billing View, Edit Allows this role to view all invoices and edit the payment method
Security - -
- User Sessions View, Edit Allows this role to view all user sessions and sign out users from existing sessions
- User Audit Logs View Allows this role to view user audit logs
- Security Settings View, Edit Allows this role to manage user session length, enable SSO, and enforce 2-factor authentication
Marketplace Integrations - View, Edit Allows this role to manage integrations from Persona Marketplace


All environments in your organization are listed here. You choose which environments a role can access.

Advanced Settings (Environments)

  • Enable all current and new environments for role: Allows this role to automatically access all current and new environments



Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Inquiries - -
- Inquiry details
Create, List, View, Edit Allows this role to create inquiries, see the list of all inquiries, view individual inquiries, and take actions (e.g. approve, decline) on inquiries
- Inquiry templates Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create templates, view individual inquiries, and configure inquiry templates


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Verifications - - -
- Verification details List, View, Edit Allows this role to see lists of verifications, view verification details and analytics, and take actions (e.g. tag) on verifications
- Verification templates View, Edit Allows this role to view and configure verification templates


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Accounts - View, Edit Allows this role to view accounts and edit account information (e.g. name, DOB, address, email, phone number)
- Account details Create, List, View, Edit Allows this role to create accounts, see lists of accounts, view individual accounts, and edit account information (e.g. name, DOB, address, email, phone number)
- Account types Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and configure account types
- Account actions Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and configure account actions


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Transactions - - -
- Transaction details List, View, Edit Allows this role to see lists of transactions, view individual transaction details and analytics, and update transaction details and status
- Transaction types Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and configure and archive transaction types


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Reports - -
- Report details Create, List, Edit Allows this role to create reports, see lists of reports, and edit report details
- Re-run Edit Allows this role to re-run and create ad-hoc reports via Dashboard
- Dismiss matches Edit Allows this role to dismiss matches on reports
- Pause or resume Edit Allows this role to pause or resume a report that is set to recur
- Report templates Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and configure individual report templates


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Cases - -
- Case details Create, List, View, Edit Allows this role to create case details, see lists of cases, view individual case details, and resolve and take actions on cases
- Case templates Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and configure (e.g. layout, actions, assignment policy, statuses) case templates
- Case actions View, Edit Allows this role to view and configure case actions
- Assign Edit Allows this role to assign a case to a particular user
- Bulk assign Edit Allows this role to bulk-assign cases
- Bulk resolve Edit Allows this role to bulk-resolve cases
- Case analytics View Allows this role to view analytics for cases
- SAR details Create, List, View, Edit Allows this role to create, see lists of, view, and edit individual Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
- SAR export Edit Allows this role to export Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) as XML or PDF
- SAR file Edit Allows this role to e-file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
- SAR configuration view View, Edit Allows this role to update the Filling Institution Details for SARs
- Case list table View, Edit Allows this role to configure a view (filters, columns, sort) in the cases table. (This changes what the cases table looks like to all users.)


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Workflows - -
- Workflow runs View Allows this role to view all workflow runs
- Workflow details Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create a workflow, view a workflow’s version history, and configure workflows


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Graph - - -
- Graph queries View Allows this role to view the results of graph queries and run new graph queries in Explorer
- Graph query templates Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create query templates, view query templates in a workflow or a case template, and edit or archive query templates
- Graph configuration View, Edit Allows this role to view and edit details about a graph


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
Lists - -
- List details Create, View, Edit Allows this role to create, view, and rename and archive a list
- List items View, Edit Allows this role to view and configure items in a list

Advanced Settings (Environments)

  • Enable redaction for all products: Allows this role to redact all products
  • Enable export for all products: Allows this role to use the export, download PDF, and print features across all products


Top Level Permissions Description
View full 9-digit SSN View Allows this role to see the full 9-digit SSN instead of the last 4 digits
View ID numbers View Allows this role to see ID numbers of various kinds, including from documents submitted by individuals


Top Level Second Level Permissions Description
API - - -
- API Keys View, Edit Allows this role to view, create, and expire API keys
- API Logs View Allows this role to view logs of API calls made within environments enabled for the role
Webhooks - - -
- Webhook Details View, Edit Allows this role to view, create, and update webhooks, including rotating secrets for webhooks
- Webhook Events View, Edit Allows this role to view and re-run webhook events

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