Available Cases Modules


Modules are prebuilt components that you can drag and drop into a Cases Template. Each module contains a specific kind of information that may be useful to an agent who reviews a Case.


There are many types of modules. Note that we continue to add modules, and this may be an incomplete list.


Module name Description Key options
Attachments Lets you upload PDF or image attachments to the Case. Displays the attachments.   
Case Comments Lets you view and add comments to the Case. Each comment includes the timestamp and comment author.  
Case Info Displays an overview about the Case. (Optional) Rearrange the order of fields, and show or hide fields.

Lets you create a custom checklist for agents to follow and complete as they review each Case.

Define items for each checklist. For each item, provide a unique key, and a description.

(Optional) You can require a particular checklist item to be marked done before the Case can be transitioned to a specific status.

Data Display

Lets you display any string, number, or boolean Case fields on the Case.

If you want to display JSON, take a look at the Key Value module.

Device Displays information about the device associated with the Case, such as IP address, threat rating, and network country. (Optional) Rearrange the order of fields, and show or hide fields.
Email Lets agents send and receive messages from within the UI of the Case.  
Event Timeline Displays all events associated with the Case. Time is in UTC.  
Field update Lets you manually update case fields with information collected during the review process.  
Key Value

Lets you pull in and display  any JSON data attached to the Case, in a grid or table format.

This module can be used to display data from a third party system that you have attached to the Case as JSON.


Displays information about the location associated with the Case.


Lets you display custom text using Markdown syntax.

Related Cases

Displays other Cases associated with the same Account as the Case. 

If the Case is associated with multiple Accounts (e.g. when used for KYB), this module displays a separate list of related Cases per Account.


Displays tags applied to the Case.

We recommend you always include this module.



Module name Description Key options

Displays an overview of all Accounts associated with the Case.



Displays Accounts that are linked to the Case through signals such as IP address, device fingerprint, and email.


Inquiry Displays all Inquiries related to the Case.

(Optional) Select an Inquiry template. Only Inquiries for this template will be displayed.

(Optional) Rearrange the order of fields, and show or hide fields.

List Matches Displays all List matches related to the Case.


Reports Displays all Reports related to the Case, for one Report type.

Select the Report type.

Verifications Displays all Verification attempts related to the Case, for one Verification type. Select the Verification type.