Inquiries Overview

About Inquiries

Collect and verify information, securely and cross-platform

Persona's Inquiries product lets you securely collect a wide array of user information—such as IDs, documents, and more—and choose which data to verify. 

Persona provides a collection UI for your end users to upload their information. This UI ensures information is handled securely, and is designed to minimize user error via built-in live guidance, auto-capture, and seamless device hand-offs.

You can present this UI to your end users on web or on mobile. It can be embedded in your app, or be shared as a simple URL.

Deter fraud without hurting conversion

Behind the scenes, you can configure the logic of your collection flow. You can dynamically adjust friction based on real-time risk signals during the collection flow to allow good users to convert faster. You can choose to ask riskier users for more information, and flag them for review.

Create custom flows without custom code

You can customize your entire collection flow with a visual no-code editor—from the branding and copy of each screen to the decision logic that powers the user experience.

Get started

To get started, follow Checklist: Set up your first identity verification flow. This checklist takes you from key concepts to setting up, testing, and viewing your first Inquiry.

Use Inquiry data across the Persona platform

You can use Inquiry data across the Persona platform. For example, you can enrich the data you collected in an Inquiry with information from authoritative databases, using Reports. You can create a Workflow that automatically flags Inquiries for review if they meet your criteria, and use Cases for manual review.