Automating Case Creation and Managing Cases

In this lesson, we’re going to introduce you to Cases which is Persona’s identity investigation center.

Cases enable teams to build a more robust and efficient review operational process.

Over the next few minutes, we’ll demonstrate how you can automate Case creation via Workflows, and showcase a few ways that teams manage their Cases on Persona. Please note that we won’t cover anything related to Case Template configurations within this lesson.

Before we explore the Cases product, let’s discuss how you can configure Workflows to trigger manual review. In my implementation, I’ve incorporated human intervention for a few scenarios as part of my user onboarding flow.


Let’s explore what this Workflow is doing. After an Inquiry is completed, the Workflow kicks off some conditional logic to apply tagging.


More specifically, we’re tagging Inquiries that match our known fraudster list or have other characteristics that might be leading indicators of fraud. In this scenario, we’ve configured three different leading indicators that we commonly associate with bad actors.


After tagging is completed, we have a conditional step in place. If Persona finds a List match, we automatically decline the Inquiry. In all other situations, we’ll run the Watchlist and Adverse Media reports. We’ve also got additional tagging that takes place here based on the results from running those Reports.

In the final portion of the Workflow, we create Cases by looking for Inquiry Tags. A Case will be created if any of the following conditions are met: If the Inquiry has been tagged with an Adverse Media Hit If the Inquiry has been tagged with a Watchlist Hit Or if the Inquiry has been tagged as having some characteristic that is a leading indicator of fraud

After each Case is created, we use a Wait step to pause the Workflow until one of our agents completes their review. Once the agent makes a decision, this part of the Workflow will automatically update the Inquiry status depending on which Case Status the agent applies. If they approve the Case, the Workflow approves the Inquiry. If the agent declines the Case, the Workflow declines the Inquiry.


Though we won’t cover it within this lesson, we also recommend configuring a second Workflow to handle situations where Inquiries fail. The Workflow that we’ve just covered only triggers when an Inquiry successfully completes the flow.

Now that you’ve seen the mechanics behind Case creation, let’s get into the manual review process. For this scenario, imagine that I’m a manual review agent for my company. The main hub that I’ll be using is the “All Cases” page within Cases.


At the top of this page, we’ve got a number of filters available to us. To demonstrate, let’s set the following parameters:

  • We’ll update the date range to get a view of all cases created over the past two weeks
  • We only have one case template in this Organization, so we’ll leave that as is
  • Only display Open Cases
  • And filter so that we only see Cases that have been assigned to me

After you’ve set the filters, you can permanently save that view in order to easily access it again in the future.


Let’s click into one of these Cases and begin our investigation. Note that the visual layout you’re seeing here is completely customizable.

The Cases product is made up of Tabs which contain different Modules. So in this example, this Case template has three tabs:

  • Collected Data
  • Verifications and Reports
  • And Device Metadata

Each tab has a customizable layout containing different modules based on your needs. Again, all of the information presented here can be configured in a way to best help your team investigate and ultimately make review decisions.

We won’t be able to discuss every single module available, but let’s explore some of the modules configured in this tab. We’ve configured modules to surface the photos and information submitted by the end-user during the Inquiry. We can click on the arrow to collapse this module, or just scroll down the page to access anything further down the layout.

On the right-hand side, we’ve created a checklist module containing the manual review team’s standardized process. Each agent needs to go through these steps before making a decision on the Case.


We’ve also configured a module surfacing the event timeline, an email messaging module to communicate with external users, and a comments module for internal communication.

Now imagine that we’ve reviewed all of the modules across the three tabs and decided that this Inquiry should be approved.

In the top right hand corner, you’ll find a number of buttons. Click on the status to open a drop-down with all of the options configured on your template, and apply your decision.

Keep in mind that like many other Persona products, Cases is highly configurable. This was just one example implementation using a default Case template with minimal customization.

The Cases product supports much more than what we covered within this video. Check out our Help Center documentation if you’d like to learn more.