📣 Workflows: Migration to organization-level Workflows (July 2023)


This guide describes changes in the Workflows product in the migration to organization-level Workflows in early 2023. This migration has happened.


Workflows are changing from being scoped to a single environment, to being scoped to all of your organization's environments. 

This change makes it easier to move newly-created Workflows from Sandbox to Production environments, and is part of a larger effort to improve how you manage your Persona Workflows and other configurations across multiple environments.


A single Workflow will exist in and be able to run in all of an organization's environments—for example, in both Sandbox and Production. In communications about the migration, we will refer to these Workflows as organization-level Workflows.

In contrast, a Workflow today, before the migration, exists in and can be used in only one environment in your organization. In communications about the migration, we will refer to these Workflows as environment-level Workflows.

See Organization-level Workflows for an in-depth explanation of how organization-level Workflows work across multiple environments.


These diagrams illustrate the difference between environment- and organization-level Workflows.

  • Environment-level Workflows are shown first. Organization-level Workflows are shown second.
  • Color indicates whether a Workflow is active or inactive. 
workflows-env-level-diagram.png workflows-org-level-diagram.png

When is the migration?

This migration has happened.

Impact on existing Workflows

This migration impacts your existing Workflows.

After the migration:

  • Each of your Workflows will exist in all of your environments. Among other things, this means each of your Workflows will be able to be viewed, edited, and run in all of your environments.
  • The status of each Workflow will remain the same in its original environment.
    • For example, if a Workflow was previously only in your Sandbox environment, and it was active in your Sandbox environment, then it will continue to be active in your Sandbox environment.
  • The status of each Workflow will initially be “inactive” in all other environments.
    • For example, if a Workflow was previously only in your Sandbox environment, then immediately following the migration, it will be present in your Production environment with an “inactive” status.

How to prepare

Educate your whole team

This change will impact how you edit, test, and publish your Workflows. Please share this announcement with anyone on your team who is involved in Workflows.

Edit Workflow names and descriptions

Each Workflow has a name and description field. Use these fields to document and communicate the purpose of each Workflow. Well-chosen names and additional context can make it easier for your and teammates to understand and manage Workflows across all your environments.

For instructions on how to edit a Workflow name and description, see this guide.

Consider archiving unneeded Workflows

Audit inactive Workflows in your Sandbox and Production environments. Consider archiving inactive Workflows that are no longer useful to you even as a reference. Removing unneeded Workflows reduces the number of Workflows you need to manage across all your environments.

Review testing strategies

Though the high-level approaches to testing Workflows remain the same, this may be a good time to review strategies for testing Workflows.

Ask questions

Please contact your customer success manager or contact the Persona support team if you have questions about these upcoming changes.