Cases Analytics


Cases Analytics gives you visibility into your review team's productivity metrics, and lets you discover actionable insights to help you assess performance, reallocate workload, and gain operational efficiency.

Cases Analytics can answer questions like:

  • Are reviewers meeting SLAs and responding to manual review on time?
  • How many cases are left unresolved or remain in pending status for a significant period of time?
  • Are certain review agents more efficient than others?


If your org has access to Cases, all admins within your org will have access to Cases Analytics. You can further adjust permissions for Cases Analytics using user roles permissions.

View Cases Analytics

To view Cases Analytics, navigate to Cases > Analytics in the Dashboard.

The analytics are divided into tabs:

  • Productivity: your team's overall productivity metrics
  • Resolution: your Case resolution trends

Get to know the Cases Analytics dashboard


Filters at the top of the Cases Analytics page let you select the time period you want to see data for, then filter by Case template, assignee / reviewer, and resolution type. Click Run to update the metrics on the page.



Under Total Cases, you'll find a breakdown of all Cases by Case status, so you can easily track how many total Cases are open, pending, and resolved.

The dates displayed on the x-axis are automatically adjusted based on the selected query date range (daily, weekly, or bi-weekly).


Resolution time

The Resolution Time graph shows the 95th, 75th, and 50th percentiles for the time it takes all Cases within your filter criteria to go from opened to resolved.

You can see whether your team or specific individuals are meeting SLAs, by setting your filter criteria to specific team(s) or individuals.

For example, in the chart below, on August 17th, 95% of Cases were resolved in under 56 hours.

Hover over the chart to see details of the exact resolution time at the 95th, 75th, and 50th percentile. Resolution times are displayed in hours.


Assignment distribution

You can review the efficiency of each individual reviewer through the Assignment Distribution view.
