Add a new user


🚨 Important: You can't add new users through the dashboard if you have SSO set up for your organization. If your organization signs into Persona through SSO, then you must invite new users through your SSO provider.

You can add a new user to your Persona organization through the dashboard.


You must be assigned the permission to edit users.

Invite a new user

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Team > Users.
  2. Click + Invite new user.
  3. In the modal, select the role(s) to assign to the new user, and enter their email address.
    • This is the email address they will use to sign in to the dashboard.
  4. Click Send invitation.

The person you invited will receive an email from They must open the email and click the link to accept the invite.

Resend an invite

An invite link is valid for 14 days. You can send a new invite if a previous one expired:

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to Team > Users.
  2. In the row for the user you want to edit, select "..." > Resend invite.
  3. Click Send.


User did not receive email

If your user has not received an email, please ask them to check their email spam folder and search for

Error: "This email is already in use"

If you see the error "This email is already in use," this means the email address is already associated with a Persona user in another Persona organization.

This can happen if:

  • The team member is already an active user in your Persona organization.
  • The team member was previously invited as a user to your Persona organization, and then was deactivated.
  • The team member accidentally signs up and creates a separate Persona organization instead of joining your organization.

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