Configuring your Inquiry Template

What is an Inquiry Template?

The Inquiry Template defines the flow shown to end users. This includes the theme, screens, Verifications, and any other logic in the flow.



Under "Inquiries" > "Templates" in the Persona Dashboard, you'll find the Templates view. Here, you'll see a list of all the Inquiry Templates in your organization. 


When you click into a Template, you'll open the Flow Editor. The Flow Editor is a visual no-code interface where you can view, edit, and preview your Template.


Note: If you are using the legacy version of Templates where your template ID starts with tmpl_, you may not see the full editor.

Note: Advanced features are available to organizations on paid plans. These features include the ability to add custom visuals, custom styling, and any number of steps to your flows. Please reach out to your customer success manager or contact the Persona support to learn more.


When you click on the Theme tab at the top right of the Flow Editor, you'll open up the theme view. Here, you can change the theme, which is associated with a template and defines the visual elements of the flow that can be customized to match your brand. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Colors: Choose the colors of buttons, icons, fonts, progress bars, and more.
  • Fonts: Define fonts, font sizes, font weights, line heights, and alignments for headers, body fonts, small text, and buttons.
  • Buttons: Define how you would like the buttons on your flow to appear, from the border radius and button style to text transformations.
  • Logo: Add your company or organization logo. 
  • Links: Choose a style for how you would like your links to appear.
  • Border: Choose the border radius of the modal window that hosts your flow.
  • Page transitions: Choose an animation style for transitions between screens of your flow.

Learn to configure a theme

See Tutorial: Configure a Theme with Flow Editor

Request features

If there is a visual element or text that you would like to change beyond what is available in the theme view (e.g. custom font), please reach out to your customer success manager or contact our support team.



When you double click on a screen node or click on the pencil icon that appears when you hover over a screen, you'll open the screen view. Here, you can view all the possible screens of the flow and customize specific components of each screen.

You can insert, edit, and rearrange screen components. Components include:

  • Text: Choose between title and regular body text. Optionally, edit translations for each piece of text.
  • Spacing: Adjust spacing between components.
  • Images: Insert custom images.
  • Buttons: Insert and style buttons.

Note that some configurations cannot currently be made in the Flow Editor. To request specific changes, you can reach out to your customer success manager or contact our support team.


Learn more about screens


When you click on the Configure tab at the top right of the Flow Editor, you'll open a summary view of general and Verification configurations.

In the general section, you can update:

  • Template name
  • Supported languages so users can localize the flow
  • Available countries that users can select
  • Capture methods that dictate how users can submit information


In the Verifications section, you can fine-tune any Verifications in the flow to make sure users are passing or failing Verifications based on your exact business requirements. Set the granular Verification checks and configure what government ID types you accept per country.


Learn more about Verification checks

Preview, Save, and Publish


You can preview a Template at any time by clicking on the Preview button in the top right of the page. This opens up a hosted flow Inquiry in a Sandbox environment that simulates what your end users see, without running live Verifications.

For more, see: How to preview an Inquiry.


When you save changes to a published Template, a draft version of the Template will be created. You can save any number of additional changes to this draft.


When you're ready to put the changes saved in your draft into production, click the Publish button at the top right of the page. Any users going through your flow from this point onward will see the new version of your flow.


Learn more

  • Inquiry flow overview dives into each of the components of an Inquiry flow: screens, steps, modules, and connectors.